#1 Blue Cord Safety, LLC provides the best environment for military organizations to prepare to conduct Multi-Domain Operations in combat operations at the tactical, operational and strategic levels.
- Exercise Design and Development to Accomplish Training Objectives

- MSEL Inject Development to to Refine Processes and TTP
- Create Opportunities to Challenge Your Teams
- Planning Conference Attendance to Integrate MDO
- EW
- Front End Product Development to Establish the Scenario Environment and Support Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
- Review and Approval Documents
- Operation Orders & FRAGOs
- Annexes: A, B, C, D, L, N, S
- Daily Intelligence Summaries
- Daily Operational Summaries
- Target Working Group Products
- White Cell / EXCON Augmentation to Integrate MDO
- After Action Reports that Assess Metrics and Training & Evaluation Outlines

#2 School Safety Mission Statement: Blue Cord Safety LLC provides services to improve the physical protection of the assets you value the most at your enterprise.
Texas Education Code 37.108: Multi-hazard Emergency Operations Plan: Safety and Audit
Three years is the requirement, but can you wait three years to review or audit? Recommend Annual Security Audits and Plan Reviews on a Bi-Annual Basis Plus a Drill Schedule to maintain compliance with Code 37.108
Blue Cord Safety can provide those services and products at an affordable basis.
Masters Certificate in Emergency Planning from Angelo State University was awarded May 2022.

Vulnerability Assessments: Provides assessments on physical security of critical infrastructure and assets including high value assets (Children, Customers, Students). Products include Design Basis Threat Model, Vulnerability Report, Security Plans, Light Surveys and Project plans.
Security Audits: Blue Cord Saftey LLC will deploy teams to validate your security plans and provide recommendations to identify gaps that could place valuable assets at risk.
Security Plans: Based on vulnerabilities, Blue Cord Safety LLC can provide detailed plans to integrate technology, procedures and training.
Exercises and Drills: Blue Cord Safety LLC can design exercises to validate procedures and reinforce existing drills. After Action Reviews will provide immediate feedback with recommendations to address identified issues with the goal of improving overall security and actions in an emergency situation.