Blue Cord Exercise Support remains available to support 1099 employment requirements for both long term and short term needs.
Also a Texas certified HUB (Historically Under Utilized Business) Texas Veteran verification #HQP7329

Exercises and Training Services
- Exercise Scenarios
- Mission Essential Task List and Training Objectives
- MSEL Creating
- Exercise Inject Scripting
- Exercise HICON or LOCON Role Player
- OPFOR Operations Officer
- Exercise Products: Reports, SITREPs, Orders
- After Action Reports and Lessons Learned
- Logistics
Potential Customers:
- Strategic: COCOM HQs, JS J7
- Operational: JTF HQs, CJSOTF HQs, Division, MEF, and Corps HQ, BCTP, SOMTC
- Tactical: SOTF, Brigade HQ, JRTC, NTC
- Functional: CYBER HQ
- Military Intelligence Training Strategy (MITS) Tier 1 through Tier 3 EXCON Support
Past Experience with previous Employers
- Employment of TRADOC DATE Operational Environment to create IEW MI Battalion scenario that integrated targeting at the platform level as a 1099 Employee of E and M Technologies.
- EXCON Support for Tier 1 MITS at Fort Drum NY for 2d Brigade 10th Mountain Div while a 1099 employee of E and M Technologies.
- EXCON Support for Tier 2 and 3 MITS at Fort Polk LA for 3d Brigade 10th Mountain Div while a 1099 employee of E and M Technologies.
- Exercise Design and EXCON Support for 312 MI Bn at Camp Bullis TX while a 1099 employee of E and M Technologies.
- 9x JSOTF Mission Readiness Exercises at Fort Bragg’s SOMTC as an employee of SRC Inc.
- 9x Army Division Mission Readiness Exercises as an employee of SRC Inc.
- 9x NSW SITEXs as an employee of SRC Inc.
- 9x MARSOC RAVENs Exercises as an employee of SRC Inc.
- 4x ARSOF Mission Readiness Exercises as an employee of SRC Inc.
- 2x NTC Blue Force Player (US Army)
- 5x UK TESEX as an Observer/ Controller at Salisbury Plain in support of the UK Headquarters Infantry as an exchange officer (US Army)